It's common if you have Type 2 Diabetes to also have high blood pressure. Unfortunately, doctors usually prescribe medication to reduce it. You can, however, eat particular foods which often can help lower your readings...

Bananas are lacking in sodium and are rich within potassium. If you don't have enough potassium in what you eat, it can adversely affect your pulse and muscles. You can use bananas in a variety of ways but fresh is the most effective, They're easy to eat and carry to you.

Potatoes are low in sodium and contain a lot of fiber, magnesium and potassium. They do not contain fat or cholesterol. Potatoes can be prepared in healthy ways and you may have a portion that matches your meal without going over the top.

Dark Chocolate contains flavanols that dilate your bloodstream and reduce blood pressure. Studies show they help those who are hypertensive but won't affect these whose pressure is normal. Choose candy 50 to 70% cacao regarding best results.

Watermelon contains vitamin and mineral A, potassium, fiber and lycopenes. It also contains the amino acids L-citrulline and L-arginine which have a lot of effects on your body - they help in reducing hypertension and aid in healthful artery function.

Green Beans incorporate fiber, potassium and vitamin Chemical, all of which contribute to lowering blood pressure.

Spinach is considered a superfood because it helps in many ways, including with hypertension. It has ample antioxidants that assist to repair damage caused simply by free radicals. You can add spinach in your salads or even blend that in juice.

Berries are another food type to assist lower blood pressure. Whether you select raspberries, blueberries, strawberries or different varieties, you'll still get the use of anthocyanins, a natural compound designed to help keep you healthy and improve ones blood pressure readings.

Oats can be quite a treasure trove of goodness and help in many ways. They have loads of fiber and extremely few calories. You can make them all the more nutritious by adding a banana or perhaps berries for flavor and to give you more benefits in a individual meal. Have a bowl every morning and you'll get a healthy start in your day.

Spices can help together with hypertension. For example, garlic and cinnamon help add flavor in your food while keeping your heart health who is fit.

Wild salmon contains plenty of omega-3 essential fatty acids. One benefit is it aids you to stop your blood from clotting. This can help improve your circulation and heart health and reduces the risk of cancer malignancy and heart attacks.

These are are just some of the foods you should combine into your regular eating plan in order to stay healthy, control your blood pressure and Type 2 Diabetes and enjoy life in general.